Researchers who have dealt with the platform in the past, however, tell a different story. Monday’s announcement suggests that Meta wants to be transparent about its ad targeting and other data-related practices.
By sharing the data, King said in his statement, Meta hoped “to help people better understand the practices used to reach potential voters on our technologies.” The New York Times reported that, starting in July, the company’s publicly available advertising library will include a summary of this targeting information, including general location (e.g., “people who live in Pennsylvania”). According to CNN, Meta will provide “detailed targeting information for social issue, electoral or political ads” on the platform to “vetted academic researchers.” Jeff King, Meta’s vice president of business integrity, said in a statement that the information could include the various categories of interest-environmentalism, say, or travel-used to target users. On Monday, Meta, the parent company of Facebook, said that it plans to share more data about political ad targeting on its platform with social scientists and other researchers, as part of what the company calls its Open Research and Transparency project.
Thursday, May 26th, 2022 Facebook’s new data-sharing plans raise old concerns